Health and care systems around the world are relying on digital transformation to address the onslaught of disruptions they face. These are complex challenges and require a robust, thoughtful approach to realize the desired value for consumers, providers, staff and health system partners. Moreover, digital transformation needs to include consideration of the target operating models that will be required to scale and sustain the transformation over time. When combined with a clear understanding of the mix of capabilities required to deliver on core business practices, healthcare systems can develop a clear and specific transformation blueprint to lift capability and improve performance.

We have previously said that the next two decades will see digital transformation of every aspect of healthcare – the patient experience, clinical and operational systems and the skills and culture of its staff. The pandemic has proven that this transformation is possible now. The most innovative and ambitious organizations and care systems are already planning for and delivering against this new reality, investing in the right capabilities to effect transformation.

At KPMG, we believe that health leaders can deliver higher quality care for less. They can do so by ensuring they have the right business and technology architectures, supported by digitally-enabled operating models to absorb and exploit each new wave of innovation in clinical care and business practice. This brings resilience and adaptability for the long term rather than delivering one-off improvements for a moment in time.

In order to prepare for this new reality, health leaders should ask themselves:

Happy family hugging each-other
  • What are the most important patient experiences that we need to deliver?
  • How will we provide more seamless interactions for patients, providers and caregivers to drive better health outcomes, operational performance and experience of care?
  • How could we better use data to make decisions in real-time that meaningfully improve the value patients get from the care they receive, and ensure that our operations are more responsive?
  • How future-proof are our clinical services, core operations and information infrastructure in the face of technological advances and the changing healthcare landscape?
  • What organizational capabilities does my workforce require to prepare for the profound changes in roles and workflow brought about by digital transformation?
  • How do we drive better alignment between the true-north star of our strategy – patient-centered care – and the business and technology architectures that are critical to achieving it?
These questions are complex with many potential solutions and outcomes. The way forward is to design and execute a comprehensive strategy and blueprint for transformation, to make sense of the huge volume of technological change and information that is available to health leaders.
If developing this strategy and blueprint is a priority for you, contact a member of the KPMG network today to learn how your healthcare system can become more connected.

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