In response to the six trends identified earlier and the challenges of digital transformation outlined previously, KPMG healthcare specialists have developed KPMG Connected Enterprise for Health, an evidence-based and globally-validated1 framework to support the complex, digitally-enabled transformations occurring in health systems around the world. In order to help health organizations deliver on their promise to patients, providers, staff, payers and partners, this framework is built on a health-specific business architecture that is designed to address every aspect of an integrated, digitally-enabled health and care system. The neighboring diagram sets out the KPMG Connected Enterprise for Health framework on a page.

Think of this framework like a blueprint for a building, starting with the foundations and structure, all the way through to the features and characteristics that make it unique from other buildings. In a similar way, health systems around the world need to define and differentiate their core purpose, which starts with the most important patient experiences. These will dictate the type of channel by which patients will interact with the health system, whether digital or in-person. Clinical and corporate strategies can help to ensure full connectivity between the core clinical workflows, supporting operations and technology platforms required to deliver on the patient experience promises.

The KPMG Connected Enterprise for Health framework also includes a collection of target operating models for the core business and clinical processes that give healthcare leaders a plan to organize their operations to deliver the value promised by a digitally-enabled health system. This sophisticated approach is critical in helping to ensure that change is sustainable and scalable.

The connected health framework

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The eight critical capabilities

Digital transformation cannot be successful – particularly at the current pace of change outlined in this content - without a series of capabilities hardwired into in the organization as critical enablers.

The KPMGI/Forrester research identified that connected enterprises were delivering substantially higher returns by investing in eight critical capabilities. We found that these capabilities must be built in order to execute successfully against transformation objectives.2

These eight capabilities are critical to the KPMG Connected Enterprise for Health framework. Each of the capabilities has five sub-capabilities that provide additional detail for assessment of the organizational maturity.

We know that deep capability cannot be bought or built overnight. Therefore, each of the 40 sub-capabilities has five maturity level descriptions (totaling 200 maturity statements), tailored to each sub-capability so that organizations can plan and track their journey along the maturity levels to become a truly connected enterprise.

Insights driven strategies and actions

The ability to enable, activate and harness data, analytics and actionable insights to develop a real-time, multi-dimensional view of the consumer / patient to inform a consumer strategy and personalization approach. This is enabled through a robust data governance structure and standardized approaches to how data across the continuum is collected and analyzed.

Innovative services

The ability to design evidence-based, innovative services that respond to the needs of the population and improve consumer experience and health outcomes. A connected health organization provides the cost efficiency and quality incentives to enable the delivery of value-based care throughout the care continuum.

Experience centricity by design

The ability to design and orchestrate a seamless and personal patient, provider and partner experience by engaging them in shared decision making and using experience as a basis for continuous improvement. A consumer-centric strategy and journey maps can help a connected health organization create the right ecosystem for care delivery.

Seamless interactions

The ability to interact and transact with consumers across marketing, delivery and service domains through channels in a trusted, personalized and integrated manner. The goal for a connected health organization is to enable a seamless consumer experience by delivering care through a connected, flexible and “omnichannel” approach.

Responsive supply chain and operations

The ability for the organization to effectively execute on clinical and consumer needs in an agile, demand-driven, consistent and operationally efficient manner underpinned by advanced analytics. In a connected health organization, the evidence-based decision making enables resiliency and responsiveness of its front and middle office functions (e.g. supply chain, procurement, clinical operations, etc.).

Aligned and empowered workforce

The ability to create a consumer-centric organization and culture that is enabled by an agile workforce strategy and supports ongoing skills development, change management and workforce empowerment. Building a truly connected, consumer-centric healthcare organization requires a clear vision and alignment to this vision between the leadership team, clinical workforce and non-clinical workforce.

Digitally-enabled technology architecture

The ability to architect and engineer intelligent digital services, technologies and platforms to deliver on the consumer promise in an agile, cost-effective and scalable manner while maintaining security. The underlying enterprise architecture and IT operating model show how the platforms, digital channels and integrating infrastructure should enable patients, staff and partners to interact seamlessly with the system to support its core clinical and business goals.

Integrated partner and alliance ecosystem

The ability to effectively identify, integrate and manage third-parties to increase speed to market, reduce costs, mitigate risks and supplement capability gaps in delivering the consumer promise. It includes establishing strategic partnerships/alliances and having effective governance, partner service delivery and performance monitoring in place to support the partnerships.

The KPMGI/Forrester study3 has shown that the highest performing healthcare providers are those that invest in these capabilities, with three in particular standing out, as shown below.

Capabilities with the greatest correlation with maturity

Further, as shown above, at least half of healthcare providers were looking at every one of these capabilities for investment before COVID-19. As the peak of COVID-19 passes, higher performing organizations will have a greater ability to refocus their efforts on these capabilities and this investment, allowing them to progress even further along the maturity levels.

All organizations must therefore look seriously at building these capabilities if they are to thrive in the post-pandemic new reality.

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1 Forrester Consulting. (2019). Healthcare Providers Data Review. Internal KPMG report: unpublished

2 Forrester Consulting. (2019). Study of customer-centric strategy decisions across 17 industries. Internal KPMG report: unpublished.

3 Forrester Consulting. (2019). Healthcare Providers Data Review. Internal KPMG report: unpublished.

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