Latest updates:

18 December 2023

On 18 December 2023, the Inclusive Framework released its third tranche of Administrative Guidance on the Global Anti-Base Erosion (“GloBE”) Model Rules. The guidance is principally focused on the application of the Transitional CbCR Safe Harbour. KPMG has prepared a short summary, covering the main areas of the release.


A global view on tax policy

With tax policy developments around the world quickly evolving, multinational organizations need to take a global view of the implications for their businesses, while also keeping an eye on specific jurisdictional considerations that may have an impact.

KPMG’s Tax Policy Leadership Group includes leading thinkers from around the world who convene weekly to discuss the latest issues in tax policy. The group engages with countries and jurisdictions across the organization and in the external market, and regularly publishes perspectives on new developments and the potential impacts and key considerations for multinational organizations.

Explore this page to view KPMG professionals’ responses to the latest OECD developments, as well as insights into the latest tax policy developments taking place around the world.

View KPMG professionals’ responses to the latest tax policy developments





    1Source: (PDF 166 KB)


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