Get ready for the rise of the humans

Hardly a day goes by, it seems, without apocalyptic warnings that robots in the workplace will create a dystopian destiny. The convergence of artificial intelligence, robotic process automation (RPA), machine learning, and cognitive platforms are at the forefront of the Fourth Industrial revolution. As organizations seek to streamline processes and reduce operating costs, cognitive technologies are rapidly creating a new class of intelligent automation.

Arguments range as to whether intelligent automation will remove or grow jobs but in the midst of this debate, KPMG professionals explore the ways that jobs will likely be transformed and its impact on organizations in our ‘Rise of the humans’ series.

Across our four reports, we look at the potential impacts that digital labor will have on the shape and size of organizations, what is involved in shaping the workforce of the future, and how to build a roadmap to action. We also explore the importance of a digital mind-set and how to create workplaces that will thrive in our disrupted world.

Smart organizations already realize that the speed at which AI will disrupt and redefine ‘work’ demands a tremendous sense of urgency to equip people with skills that are aligned for the future workplace. Visionary business leaders are preparing to shape their workforces in ways that enable them to adapt, evolve and succeed amid AI’s ever- increasing impact.

Practical advice for shaping a workforce of bots and bosses

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