Streamlining the grant administration process can provide many potential benefits, none more important than providing insights on the positive impacts being delivered to communities through grant funding. We also know that grants can come with high delivery costs, unclear outcomes and limited scalability.

KPMG Powered Grants offer flexible and adaptable services and can provide grant management on an ongoing basis, offer surge capacity for periods of peak workload and the implement a grant-only platform.

KPMG Powered Grants offers a suite of services that take the complexity out of the grant management landscape. Our approach advises you on a leading course of action and administers the end-to-end grants process, while our technology solutions can enable you to help drive efficiency and transparency in your current grant lifecycle.


Our advisory offering is underpinned by a team of professionals and leading practices that can provide you with guidance to help manage your grant program risks, establish appropriate design and continuous improvement, and capture insights and outcomes.


Navigate the complex grants landscape with a technology platform that can suit your organization and is designed with leading practice grant management to support the end-to-end administration process.

KPMG can deliver a pre-configured technology solution on the Microsoft and Salesforce platforms or on your existing platform. This solution collates and interrogates various sources of information, helping to transform efficiencies and real-time insights into outcomes being achieved across organizations, programs and geographies.

Our technology solution and built-in controls assist you in capturing all the information you need to help support defensible decision-making, promote compliance and provide traceability and assurance.


KPMG can design and administer grants on your behalf, with options and pre-configured grant processes tailored to your specific needs and underpinned by bespoke reporting and insights, providing the confidence that your grants are being administered appropriately.

Our professionals provide you and the grant applicant/recipient with streamlined interactions and grant processes to support the achievement of outcomes and a customer-centric experience.

KPMG’s Managed Grants technology platform


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