Cryptoassets – Risk and governance

Questions for audit committees to ask

Questions for audit committees to ask

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Companies are finding that their interactions with crypto-assets are increasing. In this episode, Andrew Schofield and Charlotte Lo examine some of the risk and governance issues that management and audit committees need to bear in mind.

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The accounting for crypto assets is really challenging the traditional financial reporting boundaries and gives rise to a number of unique considerations when preparing financial statements.

Charlotte Lo
Banking Accounting Advisory Services, KPMG in the UK

Audit committees should be asking questions to ensure that the business is well positioned to take advantage of opportunities and that the risks are understood and managed.

Andrew Schofield
Head of Banking, KPMG in the Cayman Islands

full transcript (PDF 132 KB) of this episode is also available. Visit our IFRS Today landing page to view other episodes in this series.

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